

Page history last edited by Nazrul Kamaruddin 15 years, 2 months ago





Welcome to


Open Hack Day SEA









Event Info | Agenda | Yahoo! APIs | Tech Talks | Speakers | Judges | Join-A-Team | Checklist | FAQ | Indonesian Language


Open Hack Tech Talks


Here are the tech talks slides from today's talks.

YAP and YOS:



How to Present

Hack demos begin on Sunday at 2pm sharp. Arrive early, pick up your hacker bib displaying your hack number at the registration/info table. 

Listen for helpers on the floor calling out your hack numbers to set up at one of the stations. The stations will have VGA out, audio out and hard-line network (in case the WiFi acts up). Set your screens to demo at 1024x768. If your demo has other needs, emailapatel@yahoo-inc.comin advance so we can try to accommodate you.

Once you’re onstage ready to go, wait for the emcees to call your name and number and then it’s showtime. You’ll only have 90 seconds, so efficiency is key. Be sure to state your name and the name of your hack, briefly state the problem, and then jump right into showing your demo and how it solves the problem. Be concise, get your point across, practice, practice, practice, and don’t forget tohave fun!

Once all the hacks have been shown, the judges will leave the room to deliberate and return to announce the winners and award prizes.


Hack Submissions


Many of you have already been forming teams either on the site or off-site. It’s great to see this energy. To further help you in both forming your teams officially and maybe beginning to create the shell of your hacks we are opening up the Hack.Trackr tool from this Friday to you all. Since your hacks will not be fully fleshed out yet or still early in the inception you could put in a placeholder for your hack & team and as it gets more refined you can update your hack entries with the details. This tool will also allow us to help you on your hacks through the 24 hour hack day. Here are the 2 steps you need to do follow to properly enter your hack:

login to with your yahoo account so you can add/update your hack entries

Enter as much details as you can or want on the Hack.Trackr (

24 hour hacking will kick off at 13:00pm Saturday. Only hacks that have been entered in the Hack.Trackr will be allowed to demo on Sunday at 2pm.






Change to Agenda


Due to an increase in demand and also for calls to have all the talks shown one after another, we have changed the schedule of the talks, The talks will now run from 9:30 to 16:00 with a lunch break in the middle. The hacking will still start at 13:00. Please check out the new Agenda here.



Welcome Hackers


Thank you all for registering to attend the first ever Open Hack Day in Southeast Asia. If you have received an email granting you access as a writer to this workspace, then you have been accepted to attend the event on the 21-22 November. If you wish to attend the first ever Yahoo! Open Hack in SEA and have not yet registered, then please click on Event Info to read more about the event and how to register.


This space is an informal channel for us to reach out to all the hackers and send you critical information such as agenda updates, technology updates, FAQ, Hacker Checklist... We will be posting all our communications here as well. Please use this site as your collaboration tool with us and with the other fellow hackers.


Anil Patel Oct 19, 2009



Speakers Announced


We are very excited to have some amazing speakers at this event. We have Jon LeBlanc coming in from the US to talk about YOS and YAP and he's also going to be one of the judges for the hacks on the Sunday. We also have Shreeniwas Iyer, or Shreeni as he like to be called, coming in from the Yahoo! Southeast Asia office in Singapore to talk about YQL. Check out all the Speakers here.


Anil Patel Nov 11, 2009






We will have six judges at the event.  They will review and judge the hacks presented on Sunday and award the prizes to the hacks they think were the best. For this event, we have three judges from within Yahoo and we are also proud to have three judges from outside of Yahoo!. You can see more infomation about the Judges here. 


Anil Patel Nov 16, 2009








Comments (Show all 55)

yodiaditya said

at 12:07 am on Sep 4, 2010

The Elder Monkey said

at 1:26 am on Jun 2, 2010


The Elder Monkey said

at 1:26 am on Jun 2, 2010

against terms and services i bieleve!

mortgage said

at 5:32 pm on May 27, 2010

adkarta said

at 11:26 am on Nov 23, 2009

see you people again next year,,,

hope it's here in Indonesia aganin :D

yoga said

at 8:08 pm on Nov 22, 2009

Nice to meet you all guys

rheno said

at 8:47 am on Nov 21, 2009

kalo ada yang butuh team mate lagi kasih tau gue yah

Louis William said

at 10:43 pm on Nov 19, 2009

berharap dapat banyak menimba ilmu dri event ini.. :D

Panggi Libersa said

at 6:29 pm on Nov 19, 2009

hope i can be your friend guys.. :-) nice to know.. we'll meet there insha Allah..

Rizky Syazuli said

at 1:44 pm on Nov 19, 2009

looking forward to this exciting event. c u guys there :)

rayhana basyaib said

at 9:43 am on Nov 19, 2009

kapan ya gue dapet duit dari internet?

ai said

at 7:02 pm on Nov 18, 2009


Robby Wahyudi said

at 4:59 pm on Nov 18, 2009

ada anak uin gag?
bkin tim yuukk..

kunto aji said

at 8:37 pm on Nov 17, 2009

ralat, maksudnya sndirian k sono.

kunto aji said

at 8:36 pm on Nov 17, 2009

hi all..
ada yg tgl d daerah jaksel? lg nyari temen biar ga sndiri..
tee hee

rouil afaq said

at 7:43 pm on Nov 17, 2009

Great ! ! ! can't wait

Tsuwaibatul Aslamiyah said

at 8:27 pm on Nov 16, 2009

jiah....neh beneran dah di accept yah???


tinggal dateng ajah gitu ke balai kartini???

Rendy Maulana said

at 9:59 pm on Nov 12, 2009

See you on Jakarta :)

Mohamad Dani said

at 10:48 pm on Nov 11, 2009

thanx for registering me to this event.

rommon said

at 4:15 pm on Nov 11, 2009


Altair said

at 9:57 am on Nov 11, 2009


Hello everyone :)

minazzuhrain said

at 12:21 am on Nov 11, 2009

confirmed, finally..
see you there guys :D

a.wy said

at 12:21 am on Nov 11, 2009

makan...makan.... @_@ yummy...

Iwan Prasetyo said

at 12:06 am on Nov 11, 2009

great event....

see u guys in balai kartini:)

Ika Wisnu Wardana said

at 3:16 pm on Nov 10, 2009

gonna meet you all soon! said

at 10:01 am on Nov 10, 2009

Thanks and Seee you all there.

Baban Rusbani said

at 8:02 pm on Nov 9, 2009

salam kenal buat semuanya yah... said

at 11:53 am on Nov 9, 2009 beneran dah confirm untuk attend openhack 2009 ?!?
thanks a lot...cant wait
see u all di bale kartini. lam kenal jg...

permenkojak said

at 10:58 am on Nov 9, 2009

thanks :) said

at 12:22 am on Nov 8, 2009

See ya there, Konga..

Aa Ezha said

at 10:39 pm on Nov 7, 2009

is this real??

ini beneran undangan atau apa?

Mohamad Nur Sanusi said

at 8:16 pm on Nov 7, 2009

Sampe ketemu disana bro n sis all :-)

konekbeta said

at 11:23 am on Nov 7, 2009

dear, thank for accepted .... :)

Abdul Aziz Rahman said

at 7:48 am on Nov 7, 2009

hahaha... thx for accepting.. :)

Leontinus said

at 1:33 pm on Nov 6, 2009

can't wait to meet the yahoo guys

hadi_p88 said

at 10:40 am on Nov 6, 2009

heluu. .??

muhammad fuad said

at 8:06 am on Nov 6, 2009

happy hacking

Harapan said

at 1:05 am on Nov 6, 2009

untuk pertama kalinya..

he8x.. penasaran ...

org indo semua kn ? :D

muuf, saya tidak familiar berbahsa inggris ;p

Peb Ruswono Aryan said

at 11:45 pm on Nov 5, 2009

thank you and happy hacking everyone!

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